Some thoughts about my piece, It All Fits:
I am infused with many maps of this unfathomable city. A New Yorker since the day I was born, I don’t use a GPS. My maps are built from decades of walking these streets. Mappings – particularly of my home Borough of Brooklyn – emerge in my work frequently but never with an overall plan in mind. I just take one step after another, walking through an experience of chaos and composition. Along the way, I pick up and use found objects– foil, mesh, cardboard, sandpaper, a milk carton. My experience is etched by a city of always shifting old and new, of rational rectangles and interrupted grids, of buildings and people abutting, overlapping, repeating, clashing, yet all webbed together into a place beyond words.
Art is my map, the conduit for finding my way. The physicality of stepping through city streets and stepping through making art has allowed me to reclaim myself, my body, and my autonomy – to make choices about what I want: This direction or that? This material or that? What wants to come through me? Art is how I connected to myself and to others and to the world. But, as reflected in this aerial view, art allows me to travel at a safe distance from others – a space ship of rescue, comfort and security that also dares to fly. And opening night was about the extraordinary curatorial work of Maddy Rosenberg and appreciating all the work that went into putting the show up by
The show is up until June 30th and I am delighted to be sharing the space with these artists: Audrey Anastasi, Eric Banks, Daniel Baxter, Sophia Brown, Ingrid Butterer, Alexandra Catalina, Jan Dickey, Deanna Dorangrichia, Hayley Ferber, Kiani Ferris, Chen Gao, Heather Jones, Devan Kallas, Johannes Knoops, Carole Kunstadt, Judith Lieberman, George Lorio, Jennifer Markowitz, Carol Morrison, Francesca O’Malley, Dara Oshin, Renetta Sitoy, Linda Vigdor, Ripley Whiteside, Harold Wortsman and Josef Zutelgte
It All Fits
Collagraph print, Edition Variable I of II
Image: 19.6 inches x 28.6 inches
Paper: 19.6 inches x 28.6 inches
Printed by Kathy Caraccio Printmaking Studio
©Carol Morrison